• The Concept Of Sijjin and Illiyyin

    Sijjin = The records of negative activities.
    Illiyyin = The records of the positive activities.

    Every creation will be monitored with no exception, including a piece of dust or a piece of atom.
    All activities in this universe can be categorized in two parts. First is the Positive activities and the second is the Negative activities. According to Qur'an, the Positive activities will be recorded in a book called as Illiyyin. The negative activities will be recorded in a book called as Sijjin.

    Sijjin and Illiyyin are not as simple as a book. Their form could be out of our imagination. Book is only an image that will be easily understood by human regarding these recording devices. The real form of Sijjin and Illiyyin could be unreachable by human imagination. What we have to understand that every activities are recorded and will be calculated later.

    What could be the function of Sijjin and Illiyyin ?...
    Let us focus on the records of human activities during their life.
    There will be a kind of calculation in period of time where most of people do not know when it could be done. According to what I know from Qur'an and Hadits, this calculation will be done in period of time before death and after death.
    There is a kind of God judgment in Islam called as "Hisab". Hisab is judgment before the final judgment in Mahshar. Hisab is the calculation of human activities during their life. The parameters of this Hisab are Sijjin and Illiyyin.
    Hisab is pain and suffer. There is no doubt about this to the believer. Sooner or later this Hisab will be done to Human, and it is un avoidable.

    Why Hisab contained Pain and Suffer ?...
    Hisab is a process of reversing human or soul to the standard. The standard parameter is the Syari'ah ( Qur'an and Hadits ). Whoever defies the Qur'an and Hadits they have defied the truth ( it is for the believer  ). Defying the truth is not human destination. People who defy the truth will make some destruction on earth or will be a kind of trouble maker, negative activities. Sometimes someone does not realize that he / she is a trouble maker.
    Hejaz is a kind of treatment to make human or soul back to the right path. Following the truth and doing most of the positive activities, not to be a trouble maker.
    The example of this treatment could be seen to the people in jail or to the prisoner. Jail is a kind of treatment although some people thought that jail is punishment. are there pains and suffer in jail ?...

    The name of Sijjin and Illiyyin in Qur'an
    Sijjin and Illiyyin are explained in Qur'an as kind of books which are contained the records of positive and negative activities. See these : ( Qur'an : 83 : 7-9 ), ( Qur'an : 83 : 18-20 ).

    What can we imagine about Sijjin and Illiyyin as kind of recording devices ?...
    In most of computer, there will be files called as log files. These log files are contained the records of certain activities of programs or users. Log files are kind of device recorder or device monitoring.
    Log files belong to specific program or belong to Computer Operating System.

    Sijjin and Illiyyin are kind of log files in the Ultra Operating System of This Universe.

    What can we imagine about Sijjin and Illiyyin ?...The Books of God….

    I hope this article will help.

    End of article.


  1. Unknown said...

    good article

  2. Unknown said...

    beautiful Analogy, loved it

  3. Unknown said...

    In simple can we say that when a human die his soul goes to aalma e barzak.. and in barzak there are 2 sections known as Sijjin and Illiyyin. All bad souls goes to sijjin and all good souls goes to illiyyin? I have understood it like this.. plz can anyone tell me whether I am correct or not?

  4. Unknown said...

    See verse 8 and 9 of Surah 83 and also verse 19-20 of the same chapter. It clearly states that it is some sort of Register / Record. Allah knows best what form it is in and where it is placed. Some explanations say that they are placed in Jahannum and Jannah respectively.

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